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NSGD Todendorf, Germany
Images from Bill Lockert

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Naval Security Group Detachment Todendorf Wash Day.
Note "movie screen" on side of building.
Personnel Left to Right: CT1 Ed Godbehere,
CT2 Bill Salazar, Bill Mills, CT3 (CTTCS) Steve Sparger,
CT3 (CTTC) Jimmy (Oink) Johnson and
CT3 (CTTCM) William (Red) Hathcock.
Picture taken in 1958. A year later, a dryer was installed
inside the head.
1958 Liberty Party at the Restaurant Oase.
Coat and Tie were required dress for liberty.

L to R: CT3 William (Red) Hathcock, CT3 Oink Johnson,
CT3 Carl Campbell, CT3 Ray Sweigart
and CT2 Steve Matlock (seated)

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