Bainbridge Island CT School Class 51G - April 1949
Image from Vernon Seitz/Narrative and names from William Baron

Please scroll down for full photo and names.

Bainbridge Island Class 51G which graduated April 1949 - Instructor: CTC PA Julian P. "Pat" Wilder
Bainbridge Island Class 51G which graduated April 1949 - Instructor: CTC PA Julian P. "Pat" Wilder

Class 51 G     Commenced Dec 1948 - Graduated April 1949
Bainbridge Island, Port Blakley, Washington

Front Row (L-R):    Curtis Turner - Irvin Cruzan - R.J. Gregg - Richard Orr - J.P. Wilder CTC (instructor) -
Clyde Hale - Webb/Weber RM3 - Gordon Golder - Charles Lohrmann

Middle Row (L-R):    Harold Mayer - Donald Collins - Stewart R. Carmack - Howard Tou(w)ry - Oscar Minnix -
Charles Pray - Robert Warnke - Harvey Krell

Back Row (L-R):    G. Garrison - Roy Moore - Bill Baron - Al Okonek - Vernon Seitz - "Grimit" - Roger Usrery - Bob Tagge - C. Warden

As I understood, this class (above) was the first pure class to become CT's. All troops except for
Webb or Weber RM3 (who came from the fleet) and Howard "Hank" Tou(w)ry (former Army), were
graduates of RM "A" schools. We started arriving in September of 1948 (there were many more).
The background investigation prior to obtaining clearances took forever and those who didn't make
it were quickly transferred. FINALLY in late December 1948, we started CT school. Prior to that we
were put into classes to build up code speeds. By the time we entered the Hallowed CT spaces,
most of us were copying code between 40 and 50 wpm.

This class, " Class 51G ", graduated in April 1949. We were the first authorized to wear the
spark and feather - most of us couldn't get ahold of the new rating badges until we left BI.

Regards, Bill Baron

