Imperial Beach CT School Basic Class 18B-58(R) - May 1958
Image from Bruce Akers, LT USN (Retired)

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Can you help identify any of the personnel in this IB Class photo?
Yes, I can help!

Imperial Beach CT School Basic Class 18B-58(R)  -  May 1958

Back Row (L-R):    unknown - unknown - Paul R. Caplette - Twillinger - unknown - unknown - Varone

Middle Row (L-R):    unknown - Hughes - unknown - Chief Akers - unknown - Sienna (sp?) - Robert Payton

Front Row (L-R):    unknown - Hamblin - unknown - unknown

Middle row, hat over eye, second from end, Frank Viola. Bottom row in front of you. Jim Yeargain.
I can still see all these guys but the names escape. 18B advanced. Top row. last two. E.B. Garney.
Jim Yeargain. Bottom row second from the end. Charlie Weber, I believe. The top row. Tall BM3. was a fast
pitch softballer. Threw BB's. Made all kinds of Navy teams in softball. Name maybe Myers. Mike Varone
Charlie Weber, Hughes, me, and the first sailor on the left in the bottom row all went to March AFB.
Bottom row first on the left. Name is something like Goodenough. I remember him because he was
from Boise or Pocatello, Idaho. I had never met anyone from Idaho before. But what the hey, I'm from
Brooklyn. I never met anybody from anywhere until I enlisted.
R/ Mike Varone

