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_____________Disbursing services are provided by the Naval Supply Depot
__________Subic Bay through a disbursing section at San Miguel. travel
__________claims are processed and regular pay distributed at San Miguel.


_____________The station post office is located in the Navy Exchange build-
__________ing and is open for normal mailing services Monday through Friday.
__________Mail call is held seven days a week. Parcel post (surface) mail
__________normally takes four to six weeks for delivery to or from the
__________States. Air Mail packages take three to seven days in either di-
__________rection. Parcel Post shipments arrive from the States approxi-
__________mately twice monthly. Space available mail (packages weighing
__________less than 5 pounds) takes five to ten days from San Francisco.
__________Mail is collected from letter drop boxes situated throughout the
__________station, except during the rainy season. At present, military and
__________dependents are authorized to send back to the United States $10
__________in foreign-made gifts custom free. No limit is set on American-
__________made items. The correct mail address for personnel attached to
__________San Miguel is:

__________Rank/Rate, Name, Branch of Service, Service No.
__________U.S. NAVCOMMSTA
__________BOX # (to be assigned upon arrival)
__________FPO, San Francisco 96656

__________Mail should be addressed to the military member as no directory
__________service is kept on dependents.


_____________Two medical and two dental officers are assigned to the San
__________Miguel Dispensary. Military and dependent sick call, emergency
__________treatment, inoculations and pre-natal care are provided by the
__________medical staff. When necessary, patients are transferred by ambu-
__________lance to the Navy Hospital, Subic Bay, where more complete medic-
__________al facilities are available. Occasionally patients are referred
__________to specialists at the Air Force Hospital at Clark Air Base.

_____________Dental treatment is available for dependents on a limited
__________basis only. First priority is given to military dental patients.
