Alton Audie Ayer CTM2 1968-1973 I joined up after wasting two years in college on wine, women and song — well, not “wasting” exactly, but you know. While enjoying my 120-day delay, I talked to my uncles and Dad’s Navy buddies (WW!! vets), and they convinced me to try getting into electronics. I had no trouble with the enlistment and bootcamp tests. When “Dream Sheet” day came, I put down ET, AT, maybe FT. Asked the P.O. in Charge what a “CT” was, and he told me, “I don’t know. Some sort of ET with a clearance, I guess.” So on a whim, I added CT as my last choice. I got called in later, and the POIC said I either had to make it my first choice, or take it off. I thought, “What the heck, I can probably pass a security check,” and I moved it to no. 1. It added an extra 10 days in bootcamp, because I’d moved around so much growing up that my clearance took longer than normal. Best job in the Navy! The rest, as they say, is history…. Alton Audie Ayer