Background: Photo was taken 25 Jun 81 (official USN photo taken by Fleet Air Photo Lab Atsugi).
Occasion was an inspection/awards ceremony. The MUC (pennant in showcase) was awarded to NSGD Atsugi's
parent command, NSGA Misawa. This photo and accompanying article with full details (photo below) appeared
in the 10 July 81 edition of the Skywriter, NAF Atsugi’s base newspaper.
L-R standing: CTT1 James R. Hayes, CTI2 Price M. Robinson, CTR2 Tony W. Hudson, CTR2 James J. Williams,
CTR2 William A. Mitchell, CTI1 Phillip R. Sloan, CTI1 Benjamin G. Davenport, and CTM2 Ray M. Anderson.
L-R kneeling: CTTC Randy J. Dowdy, LTjg Bob Morrison, LCDR Mike Huber (OIC).