
NSGA Augsburg, Germany - 1972
Images from Terry Swann CTR1 USN (Retired)
and Roscoe Lindsey (former CTR2)

Please scroll down. Click-on each photo to enlarge.

This is a cartoon I found that was drawn by CTR1 STEVE BURR right after Bremerhaven sent us to Augsburg to open the DF
section down there. Steve always called us the Bremerhaven Orphans. Each one of use is in the picture. Steve is the Bald guy
with one hair coming up out of his head. I played with model airplanes, CTR1 Darryl Scheffield like to party and so on. I believe
CTR1 Darryl Schilling was another one of us. It's hard to remember these guys after all this time. CTR1 Stanley "Jake" Jacot
was our Dayworker.

Jake was the first Navy person in Augsburg because he stepped off the train before I did. We traveled together from Bremerhaven,
to Augsburg. It was outstanding duty and we were treated very well by the Army and Air Force while stationed there.

Terry Swann
CTR1 Retired

Augsburg CDAA - image from Roscoe Lindsey

These pictures were taken in Augsburg sometime in early 72-73, I believe. The float, USS SWABBIE, was for a parade on
Sheridan Kaserne(base) but I don't remember exactly why or when. The only person I can identify is the individual wearing
the old style fore/aft hat and that would be LCDR Philip(?) Firestone who might have been OIC, XO or CO at time.

John Seely, CTA1/Ret
