Corry Station (CTO) Class ?-82(O) March 1982
Image from  M. Jaye Inabnit (former CTO3)

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Corry Station (CTO) Class ?-82(O) March 1982 - Instructor CTO1 Riley

CTO "A" school, March 19, 1982 at Corry Station, Pensacola, FL.

I can only name a few people here for certain. From Left to right:

CTOSR M. Jaye Inabnit
CTO1 Riley (Sandra? first name), Instructor
CTO? Willson
CTOSN Perkins
CTO? Ottwell
CTOSR Grawley (or Grawly) later married at NAVCAMS WESTPAC CIRCA 1983
CTOSR Smith (AKA Smitty the good humor man!)
CTOSA Hastings
CTO? Telly
CTOSR Hilton (AKA Bubba)
CTO1 Barboa (sp?)
CTO? Sykes
CTOSN Johnson

Please add a comment that I won't assume I'd spelled these names correctly--I
didn't find this graduation photograph until after I'd arrived at my first
duty station on Guam. These people were all special in wonderful ways; I hope
they are all well.

Thank you,


M. Jaye (Jayebyrd) Inabnit, ke6sls

