Corry Station CTO Class of Sept 1987
Image from Dawn Paasch (former CTO2)

Click-on image to enlarge. Scrolldown for the names.

CTO "A" School Graduation - Corry Station (Pensacola, FL) - Sept 1987

In this photo: CTO1 D. Hicks, Ben Numann, Ross Leach, Vincent Brinker, Brent Gall,
Tim Perry, Renee Williams, Harry Smith, Kathryn Dawn Douglas, Dawn Paasch,
Julie Broom, Angela Graham, CTO1 J. Moore

CT School Photos - Corry Station CTO Class of Sept 1987 - Instructor CTO1 D. Hicks

CTO "A" School Graduation - Corry Station (Pensacola, FL) - Sept 1987

In this photo: CTO1 D. Hicks, Ben Numann, Ross Leach, Vincent Brinker, Brent Gall,
Tim Perry, Renee Williams, Harry Smith, Kathryn Dawn Douglas, Dawn Paasch,
Julie Broom, Angela Graham, CTO1 J. Moore

