Corry Field Advanced CTR School of May 1970
Image from   Craig Nelson

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Corry Field Advanced CTR School of May 1970 - Instructor: CTRC Carpenter

Instructor: CTRC Carpenter

Class members beginning with back row -- left to right:
* Metzger    orders to Edzell
* Gary Smith    orders to Skaggs Island
* Bill Hunter    orders to Edzell
* Petrosky    orders to Skaggs Island
* Lowoski    orders to San Miguel, PI
* Laster    orders to Bremerhaven
* Abrams    orders to Rota
* Martin    orders to KamiSeya

* Comber    orders to Imperial Beach
* Logsdon    orders to Winter Harbor
* Leigninger    orders to Edzell
* Bruce Varadi    orders to P&R School, Kelly AFB
* Bruce Quattrone    orders to Bremerhaven
* Craig Nelson    orders to Northwest
* Ray Genovese    orders to Northwest

* Carn    orders to Hanza/Torii Station
* Gill    orders to Phu Bai, VN
* Howard Oppenheimer    orders to Canal Zone
* Jones    orders to Adak
* Cobbs    orders to Rota
* McPhail    orders to Bremerhaven

