Corry Station CT School TACINTEL Sys Opr Course of April 1988
Image from Greig Tilley

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Corry Station CT School TACINTEL Sys Opr Course of April 1988

Class Graduation Date 19 APR 1988

Left to Right

Unknown, Unknown (Instructor I believe), Unknown, unknown, CTOCS (??) Gary Willis (ordered to USS LASALLE COMMIDEASTFOR),
unknown (instructor), unknown, CTO(?) DiFrancesco (reservist), unknown, CTO1 Don Newman (Ordered to USS Philippine Sea CG-58),
unknown, CTOC (AW/NAC) Don Pagliaro, CTOSA Rob Mathis (I think had orders to USS Arthur Radford),
CTOSA Greig Tilley (ordered to USS Philippine Sea CG-58), Unknown.

