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NAVSECGRUDET Diego Garcia - 2001
Images and Narrative from
LCDR Pete Christensen, OIC NSGD Diego Garcia

Please scroll-down for the complete collection of photos.
Click-on each photo to enlarge.

A recent aerial view of NSGD 'C' site from Sep 2001. The famous 6 wheeled ATV used for antenna
maintenance, the beloved Herbie in Jul of 2001.

NSGD Standup Ceremony
(from left to right) CTTCM Hinkle/SEA,
CDR Nancy Dillard/CO of NCTS, and
LCDR Pete Christensen/OIC at the
ceremony establishing NSGD Diego Garcia
on 11 Oct 2001.
LCDR Pete Christensen, OIC,
signing a B52 bomb in Dec 2001.

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