Imperial Beach Adv. Class 10A-59(R) - Apr 1959
Image from   Harold Beasley (former L/Cpl USMC)

Please scroll-down for the names. Click-on on the photo to enlarge.

Imperial Beach (IB) Advanced Class 10A-59(R) April 1959 - Instructor CTC Burns

Back Row- L-R Bill Nash; Thomas Smith; Bill Blevins; Tommy Knight; Ken Carlson; Ronald Hightshoe;
John Blue; Crist

Second row L-R Maccarella; Terry Price; Gerald Easley; Ed Layton; Chief Burns; Leonard Baron;
Bob Keegan; Ron Temple; Dave Galle

Bottom row- L-R Edward Hogan; Joe Grasso; Carl D. Hall; Bobby Don Crowell; R.M. Unekis;
Harold Beasley; Jay Geurroro

