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NSGA Kami Seya, Japan (circa 1967-1969)
Images from   Steve Weber (former CT2)

Click-on each photo to enlarge.

Grey, Bash, and Weber

KamiSeya 1968 Ducharme is probably
China Town Bar Bacchus with Gary Ducharme
the big guy, black hair, black glasses, shot down
over the Pacific.

Mike Ruth, Terry Bruno, Tim Mutschelknaus

Onio Chi Dashi is East of Mount Asama in Japan
with Jerry Bash, Tom Dibble, Steve Weber,
Wilbur, Robert Grey

Sayonara Party 1969 - Roland Roudenbush,
Andy Anderson, Steve LaPlante, Dale Gradert
and Steve Weber

ChinaTown 1968 - Ducharme, Anderson,
Laplante, Weber, Gradert.

ChinaTown 1968

ChinaTown 1968

Asama Yama 1969

Asama Yama 1969

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