Logos, Seals, and Patches Page 12
Ships - Past (cont.)

Plaque used by permission of owner

Plaque being used with Permission-- Courtesy of Larry

Used with permission from Larry

Patch used by permission of owner

Patch being used with Permission-- Courtesy of Don Mc Clarren,
President USS PUEBLO Veterans Association

USS Pueblo AGER-2

Used with permission from Don Mc Clarren,
President USS PUEBLO Veterans Association

Special Patch used by permission of owner

Patch being used by Special Permission-- Courtesy of Richard Armstrong
Special patch
USS Pueblo Recovery Team

Used with permission from Richard Armstrong

This patch was originally designed in mid 1968 by some officers on
the USS Oriskany who had a handful of these made for their flight
squadron. When the upper brass saw them, they put a halt to further
production, thus this is one of only a very few ever made. This perfect,
unmounted original is quite large, measuring over 10" top to bottom.

