6/24/2024 Full name Forrest E. Richardson Jr. Arrival date at norfolk area Nov 73 Departure date from norfolk area Jun 75 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTOSA-CTO3 Email address ferichardson@cox.net Add email to the online rosters - yes or no Yes Cinclantflt/dirnsglant/norfolk - which?? NAVSECGRUDET Div N84 Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! TAD on the USS Biddle and USS Shreveport, visiting Puerto Rico including Roosevelt Roads. Standing watch in the "old morgue", covering the equipment with plastic sheets when it rained, because the roof leaked. Serving under CTOC Smithson, and having a great group of guys in our watch section (Jim Lyons, Fred Snyder, Dave Parmenter, Jim Frisbee, Dave Barbato). 3/11/2024 Full name Donald A Main Arrival date at norfolk area Mar 81 Departure date from norfolk area May 85 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTTC Email address dkm.ontheisland@gmail.com Add email to the online rosters - yes or no Yes Cinclantflt/dirnsglant/norfolk - which?? CINCLANTFLT CSG Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Most professional command by far. Cdr Blackburn super C.O. 6/8/2023 Full name Harold Roy Wilkinson Arrival date at norfolk area 08/1975 Departure date from norfolk area 081978 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTTC Email address roywfgs@cox.net Add email to the online rosters - yes or no yes Cinclantflt/dirnsglant/norfolk - which?? Technical Guidance Unit (TGU) Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Assigned, supporting: USS Lawrence (DDG=4) and USS Dale (GG-19). Spent 15 months on USS Kennedy (CV-67) in supporting the R&D of the Task Force Command Center. Riding my Gold Wing din the winters , 3/30/2023 Full name Christine S Cottam Arrival date at norfolk area January 1979 Departure date from norfolk area June 1982 Rate/rating (e.g. ctrsn) CTOSA-CTO3 Email address ccottam1958@gmail.com Add email to the online rosters - yes or no ccottam1958@gmail.com Cinclantflt/dirnsglant/norfolk - which?? NSGA CINCLANT/FLT CICC Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! 5/5/2022 Nickname: Rosie Full Name: Gary E. Rosenbaum Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO3/CTO2 Arrival Date: 74 Departure Date: 76 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT COMM CENTER (OLD MORGUE) Email: gerrcr1@outlook.com City_State: Palmer, AK USA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Going TAD on 3 hour notice, usually had at least 2 day notice? \8/24/2021 Full Name Ralph Bishop Arrival date at Norfolk area April 1985 Departure date from Norfolk area May 1988 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) LT - LCDR Email address bishop_r@att.net Add email to the online rosters - Yes or No Yes CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/Norfolk - WHICH?? CINCLANTFLT N8/N02C Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Super tour. Served with Igor Meadows, Montel Williams, Ned Deets, Bill Hennessy, Bob Carpenter, Jerry Walton, Mike Rogers, Chris Vertin, and many other great Cryppies. 8/24/2021 Full Name Ralph Bishop Arrival date at Norfolk area May 1991 Departure date from Norfolk area Feb 1995 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) LCDR Email address bishop_r@att.net Add email to the online rosters - Yes or No Yes CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/Norfolk - WHICH?? Electronic Warfare Operations Programming Facility (EWOPFAC) Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! Initially a CNO Detachment, became CINCLANTFLT Detachment. Enjoyed the hugely interesting mission and the opportunity to work with some super smart people. 7/27/2021 Full Name RON CULLER Arrival date at Norfolk area August 1984 Departure date from Norfolk area December 1986 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTM3 Email address ron.culler@outlook.com Add email to the online rosters - Yes or No yes CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/Norfolk - WHICH?? CINCLANTFLT Comments and highlights of your tour of duty! The most memorable moment was when they arrested John Walker. Dealing with the fallout and helping to support other groups in the building that were affected. 2/1/2021 Full Name Poliquin, Lawrence A. Arrival date at Norfolk area March 7, 1964 use Georgetown AGTR2 Departure date from Norfolk area MARCH 27, 1966 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN) CTT2 Email address Add email to the online rosters - Yes or No No CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/Norfolk - WHICH?? Dirnsglant/norfolk 8/20/2020 Full Name: Jeff Little Arrival date at Norfolk area: Jan 1999 Departure date from Norfolk area: Jan 2000 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CWO2 Email address: jbkmlittle@gmail.com Add email to the online rosters - Yes or No: Yes 5/13/2020 Full Name: William E Griffith Arrival date at Norfolk area: jul 1974 Departure date from Norfolk area: jun 1977 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CTOCS Email address: Wegriffith43@gmail.com Add email to the online rosters - Yes or No: Yes CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/Norfolk - WHICH??: Dirnavsecgrulant Comments and highlights of your tour of duty!: 3/30/2020 Full Name: Rodney Murphy Arrival date at Norfolk area: Nov. 1976 Departure date from Norfolk area: Nov. 1979 Rate/Rating (e.g. CTRSN): CTO2 Email address: Ccynmurphy@aol.com Add email to the online rosters - Yes or No: Yes CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/Norfolk - WHICH??: CINCLANTFLT Comments and highlights of your tour of duty!: Doing Direct Support riding various platforms. 6/26/2019 1.FullName: Daniel J. Convery 2.NickName: Dan 3.ArriveDate: 07 MAR 1969 4.DepartDate: 31 AUG 1971 5.RateRating: PN2 6.Duty: Norfolk 7.Email: modanco@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: I was assigned to the NAVSECGRU, NAVCOMMSTA Norfolk Personnel Office in the 5th Naval District Headquarters Building. I arrived as a PNSA and left as a PN2. I was responsible for all enlisted personnel transfers out of NAVCOMMSTA Norfolk, Naval Radio Station (T) Driver and Naval Radio Station (R) Northwest. If you were transferred out between March 1969 and August 1971, I was the one who received and typed you orders to your new duty station. Having a Top Secret Clearance allowed me to stand watches at BLDG Z-86, the actual Naval Communications Building. That Building was connected to the Fifth Naval District Headquarters Building by an elevated walkway. 4/6/2019 1.FullName: Scott Michael Powers 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Aug 1993 4.DepartDate: July 1996 5.RateRating: CTRCS(SW) 6.Duty: Other-Norfolk 7.Email: smpower1313@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Assigned to the Fleet Combat Training Center, Atlantic in Dam Neck, Virginia, Beach. VA as an Outboard Team Trainer Instructor. 11/17/2018 1.FullName: Daniel Cyr 2.NickName: Bert 3.ArriveDate: 6/79 4.DepartDate: 7/82 5.RateRating: CTO3 6.Duty: Norfolk 7.Email: fujirider1@msn.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 4/16/2018 1.FullName: Richard J Betley CTT2 2.NickName: Bigot 3.ArriveDate: 02/01/1972 4.DepartDate: 10/31/1973 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Duty: Norfolk 7.Email: dbetley@oh.rr.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 3/15/2018 1.FullName: Michael Erchenbrecher 2.NickName: Erch 3.ArriveDate: 1/73 4.DepartDate: 12/74 5.RateRating: CTT3 6.Duty: Norfolk 7.Email: erchphs@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Was on the Billfish, America, Guam, Krause, Newport News, and Wainwright. 12/19/2017 1.FullName: Richard J Betley CTT2 2.NickName: Bigot 3.ArriveDate: 02/01/1972 4.DepartDate: 10/31/1973 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Duty: CINCLANTFLT 7.Email: dbetley@oh.rr.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 7/6/2017 1.FullName: Robert L. Hall 2.NickName: Bob 3.ArriveDate: 1968 4.DepartDate: Sep 1970 5.RateRating: CTO1/CTOC 6.Duty: CINCLANTFLT 7.Email: rlh0215@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 7/14/2016 1.FullName: Clark E. Pederson 2.NickName: Pete 3.ArriveDate: Mar 1972 4.DepartDate: Feb 1974 5.RateRating: CTO1 6.Duty: Other-Norfolk 7.Email: repete009@gol.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Assigned to Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center (FOSIC) Norfolk 8/4/2015 1.FullName: Dwight S. York 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: August 1974 4.DepartDate: September 1976 5.RateRating: CTT2-CTT1 6.Duty: CINCLANTFLT 7.Email: grandpa_york@me.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Technical Guidance Unit,Naval Security Group Detachment,CINCLANTFLT 1/9/2015 1.FullName: David C. Greb 2.NickName: Dave 3.ArriveDate: March 1974 4.DepartDate: August 1975 5.RateRating: CTO1 6.Duty: CINCLANTFLT 7.Email: dcgreb@nycap.rr.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Lived on the backside of NAS Oceana during this tour. Oh how I remember those jets during their annual exercises! 12/30/2014 1.FullName: John W. Moon 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Aug 01 4.DepartDate: Jun 03 5.RateRating: CTRC 6.Duty: Norfolk 7.Email: dirsupctr@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: NSGA Norfolk Dirsup. TAD to Ft meade. Made CTRC. 12/4/2014 1.FullName: Anthony J. Novak 2.NickName: Tony 3.ArriveDate: 10/68 4.DepartDate: 11/70 5.RateRating: CTO1 6.Duty: CINCLANTFLT 7.Email: cto1usn@comcast.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Good duty station, 1st daughter born there. Had a good section, CTOCS Walsh was great, even the wives enjoyed visiting his apartment. Last detachment - USS Wasp, hardship tour! Portsmouth, England, Roterdam, Lisbon, Rota - and we had not been on station yet! Roterdam again, North Sea, Copenhagen, North Sea, Oslo, North Sea, Copenhagen again -- homeward. 10/15/2014 1.FullName: Lee G Howze 2.NickName: Grant 3.ArriveDate: 9-68 4.DepartDate: 4-70 5.RateRating: CTT3 6.Duty: Norfolk 7.Email: lhowze@embarqmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Just here to update my email address and say hi to Anthony Novak and Chief Jerry Little. Also to thank Joe for all the work he does on this website. Have been coming back to this place for over 7 years and connected with a number of guys from various duty stations. Again, thanks Joe for all your hard work and diligence. 2/3/2014 1.FullName: George P Magargal 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: 08/1977 4.DepartDate: 05/26/1982 5.RateRating: CTM1 6.Duty: CINCLANTFLT 7.Email: georgem461@msn.com 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: Transferred in from NCS Guam. Discharged in May 1982 and joined the Reserves in Philadelphia from 07/1982 till 06/1995. Retired with 21 years total service. 10/26/2013 1.FullName: Joe Betts 2.NickName: Beacon 3.ArriveDate: 1974 4.DepartDate: 1976 5.RateRating: CTT2 6.Duty: Other-Norfolk 7.Email: j.betts2@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: EW/TGU. Deployed on USS Mitcher for 6 Months, 1.FullName: berry drake 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Sept 66 4.DepartDate: Nov 68 5.RateRating: CTR2/CTR1 6.Duty: Northwest 7.Email: berry.drake@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Arrived from Azores with new bride. Worked HFDF, as with most everywhere I went, really enjoyed it. 7/4/2013 1.FullName: berry drake 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: july 71 4.DepartDate: July 75 5.RateRating: CTR1/CTRC 6.Duty: CINCLANTFLT 7.Email: berry.drake@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 6/2/2013 1.FullName: Jack Klotzbach 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Sep 1998 4.DepartDate: Dec 2000 5.RateRating: CTMCS(SW/AW) 6.Duty: Norfolk 7.Email: jackklotzbach@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Retired fm NSGA Norfolk under CDR Markham. 4/21/2013 1.FullName: Thomas E. Polgar 2.NickName: Polecat 3.ArriveDate: 4.DepartDate: 5.RateRating: CTR2 6.Duty: Norfolk 7.Email: tepolgar@gmail.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 2/2/2013 1.FullName: Marc Ross 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: June 1986 4.DepartDate: Nov 1986 5.RateRating: CTMC 6.Duty: Norfolk 7.Email: 8.OnLineRoster: No 9.Comments: SIBF COMSUBLANT 12/24/2012 1.FullName: Joseph D Swientek 2.NickName: Joe 3.ArriveDate: May 1981 4.DepartDate: May 1985 5.RateRating: CWO2/CWO3/LTJG 6.Duty: Norfolk 7.Email: jdswien@verizon.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: OinC CINCLANT/CINCLANTFLT/SACLANT Consolidated Intelligence Comnications Center (CICC); Deputy Staff SCI Communicator for CINCLANT/CINCLANTFLT 11/25/2012 1.FullName: steven c lansford 2.NickName: bone 3.ArriveDate: 11-?-78 4.DepartDate: 5-23-82 5.RateRating: cto3 6.Duty: Norfolk 7.Email: kathycomer65@yahoo.com 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: 5/1/2012 1.FullName: berry drake 2.NickName: 3.ArriveDate: Sept 71 4.DepartDate: July 75 5.RateRating: CTR1/CTRC 6.Duty: CINCLANTFLT 7.Email: berry.drake@cox.net 8.OnLineRoster: Yes 9.Comments: Tuesday 08/09/2011 12:13:58am Nickname: Buck Full Name: Robert D. Baker Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT1, WO1 Arrival Date: January 1972 Departure Date: July 1972 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): LANTCOMELINTCEN Email: buck_baker@hotmail.com City_State: Severna Park, Md. Highlights of your tour/Comments: Tuesday 06/29/2010 3:50:36pm Nickname: Bob Full Name: Charles King Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTR2-CTR1 Arrival Date: Apr 1980 Departure Date: Jul 1982 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CSG CINCLANTFLT Email: bob.king@roadrunner.com City_State: Moreno Valley, CA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Daughter Manda born in VA Beach 1981 Thursday 06/17/2010 12:25:49am Nickname: Full Name: John Ickes Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: LT Arrival Date: June 1983 Departure Date: Feb 1987 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CLF (N8) Email: johnmickes@cox.net City_State: Virginia Beach, VA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Highlights? Wonderful crowd of CTs and 1610s. TAD to USS Iowa. Lowpoint? The unveiling of the activities of that no-good, low-down, rat-bastard, pond-scum-suckin' John Walker. Other than that I have no strong feelings. Thursday 03/25/2010 2:32:12am Nickname: Rocky Full Name: Michael Krier Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTOSA, CTOSN, CTO3, CTO2 Arrival Date: 4/1980 Departure Date: 5/1984 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSG Norfolk Email: mikekrier@comcast.net City_State: Inver Grove Heights, Mn Highlights of your tour/Comments: Sunday 11/15/2009 11:43:36am Nickname: Scott Full Name: Robert Scott Sewell Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO3 Arrival Date: 1967 Departure Date: 1969 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NacComSta NSG CINCLANT Email: Sewellrs@hotmail.com City_State: Bremerton, Washington Highlights of your tour/Comments: Just met a lot of great friends there and enjoyed all the history in the area. Saturday 10/24/2009 10:55:31pm Nickname: Jim or Spider Full Name: James Steven Stillwell Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTOSA, CTOSN, CTO3 Arrival Date: September 1962 (approx.) Departure Date: August 1964 (approx.) CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): DIRNSGLANT Email: jsstillwell@yahoo.com City_State: Desert Hot Springs, CA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Worked under CTOC Gerald Kuntz. Also remember a CTO3 Ed Love, and a CTM3 Mike Nusser. TAD on the USS Enterprise and the USS Independence. Thursday 04/16/2009 1:05:02pm Nickname: Full Name: R. Stephen Lowery Jr Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT2(SW) Arrival Date: Sep. 29, 2000 Departure Date: Aug. 24, 2004 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSGA Norfolk, CCG-4/CSFTLANT Email: rsloweryjr@yahoo.com City_State: Highlights of your tour/Comments: 2.5 years TAD to CCG-4/CSFTLANT Thursday 02/19/2009 8:31:22pm Nickname: Charlie Full Name: CHARLES HOLMES JR Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO3 CTO2 Arrival Date: May 1981 Departure Date: August 1985 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSG NORFOLK DIRSUP Email: holmesc@sprintmail.com City_State: Fort Worth Highlights of your tour/Comments: My dirsup trips to South America, particularly to Panama. Norfolk was the place I made lasting friendships. Monday 09/29/2008 11:55:25am Nickname: Tony Full Name: Novak Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO1 Arrival Date: November 1968 Departure Date: November 1970 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANT-COM Email: CTO1USN@COMCAST.NET City_State: Richmond, Texas Highlights of your tour/Comments: Just updating my email address since my last post, 15 pages back. Sure a lot of folks have come and gone from there. Sure don't recognize mainside from 1970. Thanks guys for giving me a great section to work with. I only used the vault 2 or 3 times to scream out my frustrations. Sunday 03/02/2008 8:15:16pm Nickname: Full Name: Troy Seals Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: HM2 Arrival Date: Dec 1968 Departure Date: June 1970 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): FAUCINCLANTFLT Email: troy8364@bellsouth.net City_State: Madison Ms Highlights of your tour/Comments: Friday 09/14/2007 3:35:53pm Nickname: Grant Full Name: Lee G Howze Jr Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT3 Arrival Date: 9-68 Departure Date: 4-70 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSGCINLANTFLT Email: lhowze@embarqmail.com City_State: Athens, Texas Highlights of your tour/Comments: TAD tours on USS FISKE, USS STORMES, SS SEA POACHER, USS WASP and USS YORKTOWN. Think I served with Chief Jerry Little among others. My last duty station, got out on early release April 1, 1970, after almost 5 years active duty. Wish I had stayed in, the best time visiting ports of the world. Wednesday 07/18/2007 11:23:51am Nickname: Full Name: Wayne Williams Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT1 Arrival Date: 1992 Departure Date: Still here CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSGA Norfolk Dirsup Email: ctt1wbw@cox.net City_State: Seaford, VA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Absolutely loved NSGA Norfolk. Great people and a great mission. One Chapter 7 later and I am a damn SK. I greatly miss NSGA. Hearing that NIOC crap ain't the same. Sunday 01/07/2007 2:45:40pm Nickname: Full Name: LEROY MAJOR Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTR1 - CTRC Arrival Date: 08/82 Departure Date: 12/85 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT (SIGSEC) Email: leroymajor@cox.net City_State: NEWPORT NEWS, VA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Sunday 12/31/2006 10:35:25pm Nickname: Red Full Name: William H. Hathcock Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT2, CTT1 Arrival Date: Feb 62 Departure Date: Feb 65 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): DIRNSGLANT Email: elrojo@mchsi.com City_State: Toney, AL Highlights of your tour/Comments: Making 1st, riding subs. Sunday 12/31/2006 10:33:53pm Nickname: Red Full Name: William H. Hathcock Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTTC (NAC), CTTCS (NAC), CTTCM (NAC) Arrival Date: Feb 69 Departure Date: Feb 72 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): DIRNSGLANT Email: elrojo@mchsi.com City_State: Toney, AL Highlights of your tour/Comments: Making Senior and Master Chief, riding subs. Monday 12/18/2006 7:49:46am Nickname: Full Name: Frank P. Schiumo Jr. Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: Teleman 2nd Class Arrival Date: July 1952 Departure Date: Left Cinclantflt Hdqtrs May 1955 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): Cinclantflt Email: MF2559@Aol.com City_State: Toms River, N.J. Highlights of your tour/Comments: Stationed at Cinclantflt Hdqtrs and worked in the Communications Center. Then transferred to USS Neptune ARC2 and then to USS Aldebaran and discharged in March 1956 Tuesday 11/28/2006 1:33:39pm Nickname: Full Name: Frank Springer Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTA3 Arrival Date: March 1961 Departure Date: July 1962 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): DIRNAVSECGRULANT Email: edzell75@centurytel.net City_State: Bangor, WI Highlights of your tour/Comments: First stateside tour with the NAVSECGRU. Had the pleasure of working for such super people as CAPT Jerome J. Galinsky, CTMCS Warren Galey, to name only a few. Thursday 11/23/2006 9:37:02am Nickname: Spiceman Full Name: Donald F. Spicer Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTOSA/CTOSN/CTO3 Arrival Date: 12/82 Departure Date: 06/86 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSG Norfolk (N8) Direct Support Email: djtenerro@hotmail.com City_State: Clare_Michigan Highlights of your tour/Comments: Direct support group, lots of friends. Thursday 11/16/2006 12:05:03am Nickname: Mike Full Name: Michael P. Shannon Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO1 Arrival Date: Dec 84 Departure Date: Feb 87 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: k2cyl@yahoo.com City_State: Springhill Fl Highlights of your tour/Comments: Last Div Off was CWO Avery. Retired on 01Feb87 after 21 1/2 years with the Navy Security Group. Worked with a great bunch of people and hope all of them are doing well. Fair winds and following seas. Monday 10/30/2006 12:32:47am Nickname: Rich Full Name: Richard W. Milligan Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTR-1 Arrival Date: Oct. 1985 Departure Date: July 1989 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT(N8)/ CSG LANTFLT Email: rwmilligan@vcu.edu City_State: Richmond, Va. Highlights of your tour/Comments: Wednesday 04/26/2006 11:14:29am Nickname: Full Name: David Lars Chamberlain Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: LCDR Arrival Date: 1989 Departure Date: 1993 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): SACLANT Email: tanuki2001@earthlink.net City_State: San Carlos, CA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Learning about NATO and traveling to Europe a lot. Sunday 04/16/2006 8:34:38pm Nickname: Benny Full Name: Charles L. Benjamin Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: LCDR - CDR Arrival Date: May 1970 Departure Date: 1 March 1972 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: cbenjamin2@cfl.rr.com City_State: 150 Ennis Dr.,Merritt Island, FL 32952 Highlights of your tour/Comments: Making CDR and retirement Monday 02/20/2006 6:06:13pm Nickname: Connie Rosario Full Name: Connie McCants Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTOSN-CTO3 Arrival Date: 24Feb86 Departure Date: Jan88 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: Clusn@aol.com City_State: Norfolk, VA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Tuesday 01/24/2006 10:14:29pm Nickname: Bob Full Name: Robert Prater Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTTCS Arrival Date: July 1973 Departure Date: July 30, 1975 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): TGU CINCLANTFLT Email: bprater@aol.com City_State: Tulsa, Oklahoma Highlights of your tour/Comments: I had a prior tour in USS Oxford out of Norfolk from 61-63 and a prior stateside tour in CincLantFlt from 1963 to 1965. I left Norfolk in 1965 and after eight years out, returned to CincLantFlt for a second stateside tour. The second tour was a good tour also working for LCdr Niemeyer and CWO Stikeleather (who I had served with in Sakata, Japan, 1959-1960 and USS Oxford AG-159 from 1961-63). After 20 years, including three tours in Norfolk, I decided a college degree was calling me. I retired July 30, 1975 and went back to, as Chief Broderson said, “to the sticks.” Tuesday 01/24/2006 9:37:24pm Nickname: Bob Full Name: Robert Prater Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT1 Arrival Date: Sept 1963 Departure Date: Oct 1965 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: bprater@aol.com City_State: Tulsa, Oklahoma Highlights of your tour/Comments: I transferred from USS Oxford (AG-159) over to CincLantFlt in Sept 1963 after a two year tour in Oxford. My first stateside duty and it was a good tour working with Bob Anderson in the LANTCOM Elint Center. Chief Broderson and CWO4 Robert Barton, who I had worked for in a prior tour of duty in Sakata, Japan, were great people to work for. Sunday 10/09/2005 2:54:48pm Nickname: Junior Full Name: David Osband Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTTSA/CTTSN Arrival Date: May 1973 Departure Date: August 1974 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSGD/TGU Norfolk Email: dozband@comcast.net City_State: Arnold, MD Highlights of your tour/Comments: Saturday 07/30/2005 2:01:56pm Nickname: Full Name: Dan Hoffman Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO1/CTOC Arrival Date: 1988 Departure Date: 1991 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: HoffmanD@siu.edu City_State: Herrin, IL Highlights of your tour/Comments: Making Chief Sunday 03/20/2005 11:02:46am Nickname: Bigot Full Name: Richard J Betley Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT2 Arrival Date: Mar 72 Departure Date: Oct 73 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLTTGU Email: dbetley@oh.rr.com City_State: Cleveland Ohio Highlights of your tour/Comments: Sunday 02/06/2005 6:18:41pm Nickname: Bigot Full Name: Richard J Betley Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT3 CTT2 Arrival Date: Feb 71 Departure Date: Oct 73 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLTTGU Email: dbetley@oh.rr.com City_State: Cleveland Ohio Highlights of your tour/Comments: Back to Back runs up north and chalk & talk in the shop Wednesday 10/06/2004 7:57:34pm Nickname: Turtle Full Name: Richard Rigsby Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO2 Arrival Date: Sept 83 Departure Date: Sept 87 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): Comsublant N7 Email: rlrigsby@comcast.net City_State: Seymour, IN Highlights of your tour/Comments: SIBF, don't know if it is still in opeeration. Monday 09/06/2004 12:44:35am Nickname: Jerry Full Name: Jerry Little Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT1, CTTC, CTTC (SS) Arrival Date: NOV, 1967 Departure Date: DEC,1970 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): FAU CINCLANTFLT Email: R.I.P. City_State: Moultrie, Georgia USA Highlights of your tour/Comments: The start of a new Navy Life. Tuesday 08/24/2004 9:07:24am Nickname: John or Hut Full Name: Hutton, J. A. Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT3 Arrival Date: 1965 Departure Date: 1966 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NAVSECGRUDET Email: johnahut@yahoo.com City_State: Nashville, TN Highlights of your tour/Comments: Arrived off the USS Jamestown AGTR-3 (Was a Plank-Owner.) Great duty! I was discharged here. Several Officers in the group and all were really fair. Everyone played cards at lunch. Thursday 08/19/2004 10:34:41pm Nickname: Hoppy Full Name: ken Cassidy Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: E-4 Arrival Date: Mar63 Departure Date: mar65 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): cinclantflt mess cen then crypto Email: wn2wnc@usadatanet.net City_State: New Berlin NY Highlights of your tour/Comments: made many friends- still looking for my ole buddies- I wish I had stayed in the Navy - I look back and it was great. You people if you remember me drop me an e -mail WN2WNC rm3 73 Hoppy Saturday 05/22/2004 12:02:06am Nickname: Willy Full Name: Neil J. Williams Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTI3 Arrival Date: 1959 Departure Date: 1961 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NAVSECGRUDET Email: njw4568@aol.com City_State: Granville, New York Highlights of your tour/Comments: Enjoyed duty greatly and working with a lot of fine CT's Monday 04/19/2004 9:39:14pm Nickname: Alex or Joe Full Name: George J. Alexander Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTRC Arrival Date: 10 May 1977 Departure Date: 31 May 1980 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT (CSG/FOSIC) Email: jalex01@cox.net City_State: Midland_TX Highlights of your tour/Comments: Tuesday 04/13/2004 10:21:07am Nickname: Full Name: Thomas E. Polgar Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTR2 Arrival Date: FEB 8, 1966 Departure Date: JAN 13, 1967 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: tepolgar@wowway.com City_State: Lincoln Park, Michigan Highlights of your tour/Comments: Back to the USA from cruise on USS OXFORD AGTR-1. Tuesday 04/13/2004 10:18:31am Nickname: Full Name: Thomas E. Polgar Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTR2 Arrival Date: FEB 8, 1966 Departure Date: JAN 13, 1967 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: tepolgar@wowway.com City_State: Lincoln Park, Michigan Highlights of your tour/Comments: Saturday 02/14/2004 8:19:51pm Nickname: Jerry Full Name: Gerald Kuntz Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTOC Arrival Date: 1-17-63 Departure Date: 1-18-65 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): DIRNSGLANT/NSG NORFOLK Email: gnkuntz@bellsouth.net City_State: Pensacola Florida Highlights of your tour/Comments: Welcome back to the States after a tour in Karamursel, followed by three years at Sidi Yahia Morocco Jerry Wednesday 11/12/2003 2:42:53pm Nickname: Ernie or Van Full Name: Ernest Van Frachen Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO1 Arrival Date: Jan 67 Departure Date: Feb 69 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT Email: ernievf@cox.net City_State: Tulsa, OK Highlights of your tour/Comments: Saturday 11/08/2003 2:54:24pm Nickname: Pappy Full Name: W.J. Jennings Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT2 Arrival Date: Jan. 1971 Departure Date: 12 August 1974 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NavRadFac/NavSecGruActy Northwest Email: pappyj@alltel.net City_State: La Fayette, Georgia Highlights of your tour/Comments: The Best! Tuesday 10/14/2003 8:52:14am Nickname: cspiroff Full Name: Chris Spiroff Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: LTJG Arrival Date: 01NOV03 Departure Date: CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NRSG Norfolk Email: chris.spiroff@impactinnovations.com City_State: Perry Hall, MD Highlights of your tour/Comments: Thursday 10/09/2003 11:47:09am Nickname: Hoop Full Name: Tom Hooper Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTOSA - CTOSN Arrival Date: July 1983 Departure Date: Feb 1985 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: thooper64@comcast.net City_State: Martinez, Georgia Highlights of your tour/Comments: Saturday 07/05/2003 3:35:56pm Nickname: JP Full Name: John Paul Arnold Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: O-1, O-2 Arrival Date: 6-63 Departure Date: 6-66 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): DNSGL/DEPCOMSUBLANT, SubBaseNL Email: jasara@juno.com City_State: Saratoga, CA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Supervised the configuration of SubLant subs for special ops. Represented CNSG in mockup of WLR-6 at Electric Boat for 637 class. It was like watching your own child grow up. Set up first training class in Bldg 106 for WLR-6 Opand maint training. Friday 07/04/2003 1:31:47am Nickname: Dave Full Name: David A. Sholes Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO1 Arrival Date: June 1957 Departure Date: June 1959 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: dasret@hotmail.com City_State: Albany, Kentucky, USA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Enjoyed stateside duty Tuesday 06/17/2003 9:22:28pm Nickname: BOB Full Name: ROBERT THOMAS KNEPPER Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: LI2 Arrival Date: NOV. 1967 Departure Date: FEB. 1970 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: DJK618@AOL.COM City_State: CUYAHOGA FALLS, OHIO 44223 Highlights of your tour/Comments: DUTY STATION WAS CINCLANTFLT PRINTING PLANT. WAS IN CHARGE OF LETTERPRESS DEPT. Friday 05/30/2003 7:24:43am Nickname: Doug Jones Full Name: Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: Arrival Date: Departure Date: CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): Email: djones155@cox.net City_State: Highlights of your tour/Comments: See 1/28/03 entry. Changed email address. Thursday 04/17/2003 6:11:34pm Nickname: Full Name: Dean O. Brockbnk Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: Ens. , LTJG Arrival Date: April 1964 Departure Date: Dec. 1965 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSG Norfolk Email: dobrock@softcom.net City_State: Lincoln, California Highlights of your tour/Comments: Saturday 03/01/2003 1:46:41am Nickname: Bags Full Name: Guy J. Battaglia Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTOSA - CTO3 Arrival Date: 4/73 Departure Date: 4/75 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): N84 Division Email: skydiveguy@aol.com City_State: Diamond Bar, CA. Highlights of your tour/Comments: TAD - USS BELKNAP - USS NEWPORT NEWS Worked the morgue. Section 3 under CTOC Simpson Saturday 02/08/2003 2:52:34pm Nickname: Full Name: Joe M. Braswell Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT3 Arrival Date: November, 1972 Departure Date: July, 1973 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT TGU Email: brasjm@bellsouth.net City_State: Acworth, gA Highlights of your tour/Comments: USS CALCATERRA (DER-390), USS WAINWRIGHT, USS RE KRAUS (DD-849). CTTs Chief Schumate, John Miller, Kislus, Cortes, Rodrigues, Chief Jones, Ecleberger, Calligain Friday 02/07/2003 2:58:16pm Nickname: Full Name: COLLEEN TURNER Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTR3 Arrival Date: UNK Departure Date: UNK CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSGA Email: CAILLEANNA@YAHOO.COM City_State: FT. MEADE, MD Highlights of your tour/Comments: CHECKING OUT HIGHLIGHTS OF TRANSFERRING NEEDS Tuesday 01/28/2003 6:48:20pm Nickname: Doug Full Name: Douglas Jones Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTM3 Arrival Date: Sept 70 Departure Date: Aug 72 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): Cinclantflt N-8 Div Email: dhjones@infi.net City_State: Chesapeake, VA Highlights of your tour/Comments: USS Calcaterra DER-390, USS Gary DER-326, USS Standley CG-32. Burnbag detail. Field day every Wednesday. CTM,s Baxley, Shorey, Hix, Baron, Tooley, Barnett, Sipes and a lot of others dimmed by time. Saturday 01/25/2003 9:45:42pm Nickname: Ben Full Name: Benjamin C. Rich Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO1/CTOC Arrival Date: 12/1975 Departure Date: 12/1979 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT CIC Email: whiterabbit97@myrealbox.com City_State: Severn, MD USA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Saturday 01/25/2003 5:47:06pm Nickname: Full Name: Billy Dean HOLLAWAY Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTTSN-CTTC(SS/NAC), WO1 Arrival Date: May 1963, December 1969 Departure Date: November 1966, June 1972 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: retldousn@earthlink.net` City_State: N. Little Rock, AR Highlights of your tour/Comments: Qualified in USS TRITON (SSN 586), 1965 and USS SPADEFISH (SSN 668), 1968. Met my wife and married. Two of my three children born. Made Chief Petty Officer. Saturday 12/21/2002 6:39:15pm Nickname: Thig Full Name: Carlton Ray Thigpen, Jr. Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTA3, CTA2 Arrival Date: 07/14/57 Departure Date: 07/30/59 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NAVSECGRUDET, CINCLANTFLT Email: carltonthigpen@earthlink.net City_State: Kinston, N.C. Highlights of your tour/Comments: I worked with (then) LCDR Hal Joslin, (the last time I saw him he was CAPT Joslin) and CTAC "Frenchie" Dumais (now deceased). Chief Dumais received orders to GTMO shortly after the waterline had been cut. Some wise soul presented him with a quart of fresh water. Saturday 11/30/2002 12:41:43am Nickname: Full Name: Stan W. White Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTMCS/CTMCM Arrival Date: Sept., '68 Departure Date: Sept.,70 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): DIRNAVSGLANT Email: R.I.P. City_State: Hermosa, SD, USA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Supervised maintenance crew stripping all the technical research ships and placing equipment on ships of war. Friday 10/11/2002 9:26:56am Nickname: TaTa Full Name: Cedrick Wayne Smith Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTTSN Arrival Date: October 28, 2002 Departure Date: CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSG Email: Supersayin01@hotmail.com City_State: Birmingham, Alabama Highlights of your tour/Comments: Thursday 09/05/2002 1:38:05pm Nickname: Boy Wonder Full Name: John T. Mawhinney Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTM2(SW) Arrival Date: Apr 91 Departure Date: Mar 95 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): USS Caron DD-970 Outboard Email: jtm62@comcast.net City_State: Phila, PA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Outboard: We go to war everyday!! Desert storm, launching loads of Tomahawks at bad guys. Tuesday 08/27/2002 7:51:53pm Nickname: Gus Full Name: William C. Gustafson Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTOC Arrival Date: Mar 00 Departure Date: Nov 02 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): UARNOC/LANT SI RSR/NSGA Norfolk Email: ecards4sale@msn.com City_State: Virginia Beach, Va Highlights of your tour/Comments: Sunday 08/25/2002 8:47:41pm Nickname: Ray Full Name: Raymond P. Clark Sr. Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTR1/CTRC Arrival Date: 05/82 Departure Date: 08/84 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): USS Spruance (DD-963) (Outboard) Email: Ray_Clark_Sr@yahoo.com City_State: harrisburg, pa Highlights of your tour/Comments: MADE CHIEF (What an initiation)\ Got to cross the equator/ became a blue nose/ went through both cannels - what more could you ask for. Tuesday 07/30/2002 1:48:13pm Nickname: Chuck Full Name: Charles Lee Alexander Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTRCS Arrival Date: 05-77 Departure Date: 05-80 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): Email: CLAVJA1@aol.com City_State: Ft Walton Bch, Fla Highlights of your tour/Comments: I retired with 22 years because this was the worse place I had ever been in my 22 years of Naval service Wednesday 07/17/2002 6:36:16am Nickname: Iceman B5 Full Name: Brian K. Bickham Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTM3(SW) -CTM2(SW/AW) Arrival Date: 15 Jul 1999 Departure Date: 15 Dec 2002 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): USS Eisenhower CVN-69 Email: iceman3000atl@yahoo.com City_State: Atlanta (SW), GA Highlights of your tour/Comments: Friday 07/12/2002 8:42:01pm Nickname: D.C. Full Name: Charles D. Williams Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTRSA Arrival Date: 13 aug 02 Departure Date: CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): nsg Email: City_State: virginia beach va Highlights of your tour/Comments: Tuesday 06/11/2002 1:03:13pm Nickname: Dan Full Name: Daniel J. Kislus Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTTC, CTTCS Arrival Date: 02/85 Departure Date: 02/88 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): EW TGU NSGA Groton, Connecticut Email: Kislus@msn.com City_State: Pensacola, FL Highlights of your tour/Comments: Where's the listing for NSGA Groton?!? Tuesday 06/11/2002 12:48:22am Nickname: Dan Full Name: Daniel J. Kislus Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT2 Arrival Date: 04/73 Departure Date: 08/75 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): EW TGU Email: Kislus@msn.com City_State: Pensacola, FL Highlights of your tour/Comments: DIRSUP-Subs and TGU. Monday 06/03/2002 10:34:32am Nickname: Full Name: Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: Arrival Date: Departure Date: CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): Email: City_State: Highlights of your tour/Comments: Wednesday 05/08/2002 12:38:43am Nickname: Eric Full Name: CTRSN Eric Jones, USN Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTR Arrival Date: 29 JULY 2002 Departure Date: CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSGA Norfolk Email: navyref@yahoo.com City_State: Lakeland and Pensacola, FL Highlights of your tour/Comments: looking for information on NSGA Tuesday 04/02/2002 5:52:20pm Nickname: Pappy Full Name: Pete Pavlik Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: SN Arrival Date: 6-64 Departure Date: 6-66 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): COMSERRON 8 Email: petermariepavlik@cs.com City_State: Bellingham Washington Highlights of your tour/Comments: I serviced on the USS Belmont AGTR-4 From 64 to 66 Tuesday 04/02/2002 5:52:06pm Nickname: Pappy Full Name: Pete Pavlik Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: SN Arrival Date: 6-64 Departure Date: 6-66 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): COMSERRON 8 Email: petermariepavlik@cs.com City_State: Bellingham Washington Highlights of your tour/Comments: I serviced on the USS Belmont AGTR-4 From 64 to 66 Monday 04/01/2002 8:42:36pm Nickname: JJ Full Name: Jerry Joe Steward Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT1 Arrival Date: 09 June 1967 Departure Date: 14 June 1968 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT FAU Email: stewajs@semo.net City_State: Dexter, MO Highlights of your tour/Comments: TAD on USS James Madison (SSBN-627), USS Stormes (DD-780), USS Corry (DD-817), SUBRON FOUR, PATRON FIVE, USS Parle (DE-708), VP-8, VP-33 Saturday 03/30/2002 7:38:42pm Nickname: Vinnie Full Name: Vince Julson Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTT2 Arrival Date: 1976 Departure Date: 1980 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: vincejulson@hotmail.com City_State: Pembroke Pines, Florida Highlights of your tour/Comments: Wednesday 02/20/2002 2:10:29pm Nickname: Full Name: Daniel Wimmer Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO2 Arrival Date: 1970 Departure Date: 1972 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): ?? CINCLANTFLT NSG MSG CENTER, BASEMENT Email: djwimmer@hotmail.com City_State: Loma Linda, CA Highlights of your tour/Comments: My first duty station out of "A" School. Capt Wenger was C.O., also remember CDR Dillingham. TAD to Mount Whitney, Wasp and McCaffery. Remember co-workers, Ruff, Rosen, Fredricks, Peoples, Wages, Powell, Farhenkrog, Mansfield, Briggs, Reznick, Canfield, worked on Chief Bozarts shift. Wednesday 02/20/2002 2:09:56pm Nickname: Full Name: Daniel Wimmer Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO2 Arrival Date: 1970 Departure Date: 1972 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): ?? CINCLANTFLT NSG MSG CENTER, BASEMENT Email: djwimmer@hotmail.com City_State: Loma Linda, CA Highlights of your tour/Comments: My first duty station out of "A" School. Capt Wenger was C.O., also remember CDR Dillingham. TAD to Mount Whitney, Wasp and McCaffery. Remember co-workers, Ruff, Rosen, Fredricks, Peoples, Wages, Powell, Farhenkrog, Mansfield, Briggs, Reznick, worked on Chief Bozarts shift. Sunday 02/17/2002 7:32:33pm Nickname: Full Name: John Ickes Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: Arrival Date: July 1984 Departure Date: January 1987 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT Email: johnmickes@cox.net City_State: Virginia Beach, VA Highlights of your tour/Comments: TAD to USS Iowa, exposure of that John Walker s.o.b., lowlife, pondscum-sucking radioman. Tuesday 02/12/2002 6:43:34pm Nickname: Pete Full Name: Alan J. Schwarz Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: RM3 Arrival Date: April, 1949 Departure Date: December, 1950 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): CINCLANTFLT (CommSecAct) Email: n4fef@bellsouth.net City_State: Charlotte, NC Highlights of your tour/Comments: CinCLantFlt was Adm. W.H.P. Blandy. CommSec spaces were in the message center/crypto center. Comm Chief was RMC E.E. Davis - better known as Dit Dit Davis (but not to his face!) Some of the CommSec ops were Billy Bingham, Alva Edison Key, Joe D. Coleman, Joe Mozer, Tony Hochevar, and me. Our yeoman (later CTA) was Al Kreiger, YN1. In those days our recording device was the wire recorder (remember the old Utah Wire Recorder?) Went from NORVA to CommSec Gtmo Bay. Contrary to popular opinion, I always liked Norfolk, and hated to leave. 73 - Pete Friday 02/08/2002 8:17:30pm Nickname: Op sign AJ as in squared Away Full Name: Tony Novak Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTO1 Arrival Date: Oct 1968 Departure Date: Nov 1970 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSG/DIRNSG COMM CENTER Email: t.novak@worldnet.att.net City_State: Mason, Ohio Highlights of your tour/Comments: First daughter born January 20,1969 a month early. On a Monday morning following the Superbowl game and party at the apartment of one of my section members. On Saturday before we had walked from our old apartment to sign a lease on a new apartment, since we were expecting an additon. About two miles one way to Thole Street through Wards Corner. Then the party Sunday, on the way home we spent our change on bread and milk. 2 AM she says, lets go to the hospital, Portsmouth. Oh,Oh no change in the house, toll tunnel. Found a Kennedy half and I drove back through Chesapeake. WO Proctor Assistant Comm Officer. Senior Chief Walsh my first Comm Chief, an many other great guys on my section. While Sandy was in the hospital, my mother packed the old apartment. Sandy's mom unpacked at the new apartment and the section moved furniture. Have you ever seen a queen sized hid-a-bed unfold in a stair well?. And a good time was had by all, total cost a U-Haul trailer and two cases of beer at each apartment. And no damage to the funiture. Thanks again to all. Wednesday 02/06/2002 9:00:58am Nickname: Chucku Full Name: Verne Albert Farley Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTM1- CTMC Arrival Date: FEB83 Departure Date: Mar90 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): NSG Norfolk, CINCLANTFLT, CTG 168.2 Email: vfarley@worldnet.att.net City_State: Colorado Springs, CO Highlights of your tour/Comments: I did it all DIRSUP to Ships, Subs and Air. Friday 01/25/2002 10:03:08am Nickname: Full Name: Bobby Street Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTRC(SW) Arrival Date: May 1989 Departure Date: Sep 1990 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): USS Yorktown (CG-48) Email: Bobby.Street@hurlburt.af.mil City_State: Crestview, FL Highlights of your tour/Comments: Saturday 01/19/2002 8:06:24pm Nickname: Full Name: Bruce Akers Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: SA 1947--LT 1966-68 Arrival Date: Departure Date: CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): rdo scol-47//LANTFLT 60s Email: akers6462@webtv.net City_State: Cli, S.C. Highlights of your tour/Comments: Radio Scol 47-Went to Bainbridge Island...Rode Carriers 66-68 in dirsup role. Had a ball. Tuesday 01/15/2002 7:54:13pm Nickname: Full Name: Michael Oakley Rank(s)/Rate(s) while in Norfolk area: CTASN Arrival Date: May 1969 Departure Date: June 1972 CINCLANTFLT/DIRNSGLANT/NSG Norfolk (which?): DIRNAVSECGRULANT Email: oak@y112.doe.gov City_State: Knoxville, Tn Highlights of your tour/Comments: Getting introduced into the Security Group Community. My father was station at McGuire AFB in New Jersey, so I took the Chesapeake Bay Bridge several times to go up to visit. That is one neat bridge. My wife who is somewhat a chicken would ride with her eyes closed all the way across the bride/tunnel, asking "are we across yet?". Worked for LCDR Hutchison, C.O. at that time was Capt. Wenger.