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NSGA  Futenma, Okinawa .. 1958-1959 and 1962-1964
Photos and narrative from   Bruce Dettloff and Bob Haggerty

Please scroll down for the names - click on each photo to enlarge.

Bottom Row - Purcell, Brewer, CTC Collicott, CTC Detloff, CTC Thiel, WO Elgen, WO Jones, CTC Mooney,
CTC Causey, CTC Woods, Don Milam.

Second Row - Cox, Ringler, Williams, Haggerty, Book, Nelson (retired as LCDR), Anding (retired as CTRCM),
Skipper, Coss, Richardson,

Third Row - Jacobs, Newman (retired CTRC - passed away), Nash, Woodbury, Hilton.

Missing from this photo of Operations Department - CTC Poulin (retired as CDR), Lavalle, Hill (with us at Hakata),

This was known as Bravo Unit, Operations Department - The Division Officer was WO Elgen and WO Jones was Assistant Divison Officer.

Off base party - 1959

Top Left - Ens Gardner (transferred up to Hakata)
LT Lamb
Don Hill (also transferred to Hakata)
Coss and Nelson pouring him a drink
Left Front - WO Bob Jones
CTC Collicott
At the table - CTC Norm Poulin
Above CTC Dettloff on the right - CTC Thiel and CTC Causey

A meeting at Futenma - 1959

CTC Dettloff and CTC Maloney are shown.

WO Howard E. "Zeke" McConnell - 1962/1964

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