Skaggs Island CT School Class 01-67(R) .. Dec 1966
Image from Jerry Hines (former CTR2)

Please scroll-down for the names.
Click-on each photo to enlarge.

Skaggs Island CT School Class 01-67(R) .. Dec 1966

I can't match all the names and faces but here's what I know:

Bottom Row (L-R):  CTRC Larry Poppe (Inst.), John Shumate (?), Joe Guerra, CTR1 Bob Fraley (Inst.),
CTCS Scdoris (Div. Chief), LTjg Deemie (Div. Officer)

Second Row (L-R):  unknown, William J. Carter, unknown, unknown.

Third Row (L-R):  David Cahoon, David Graham (maybe), Gary Burgess, Unknown, Ken Moore.

Top Row (L-R):  Dale Ridgley, Ken Adkins, Jerry Hines, Larry Padilla, Unknown, Ed Hood.

Unmatched names :   Harry "Woody" Woods, Mike White, Jack Passehl, M.G. K.... //QRM//

Thanks a lot, Jerry.

Skaggs Island CT School Class 01-67(R) .. Dec 1966

