W6KMW ... Skaggs Island, California

W6KMW ... Skaggs Island, California
Image from Vernon Seitz - W9HLY .. circa 1951

Background info on the above W6KMW QSL Card from Vernon Seitz

I am not certain just when this card was printed but it had to be between the fall of 1950 and March, 1952.
I was discharged on the 1952 date. So I can only speculate that it was late 1950 or early 1951. I have no
idea who selected the card but will speculate that it was Lt. Propster. Mr. Propster was from the
W7 (Washington state) area and as the card shows it was printed by W7APH.
Where did W7APH live? I dunno! But that is trivia, Joe.

I believe that Lt. Propster and Chief Warrant Officer Gil Collier were very instrumental in seeing that the
ham shack came to life. The shack was located in what I will call the recreation hall which was adjacent
to the main barracks at Skaggs. A small room was designated for the shack at the southeast corner of the
building. There was a home brew multi element beam mounted on top of the building which was not very
high. Also, there was a windom antenna stretched between the Shack and the corner of the barracks.
Just some things I can recall about the origins of what was probably the first ham shack at Skaggs.

It is my sincere feeling that this card preceded the card that you currently have in your gallery of
QSL cards for Skaggs Island.

W6KMW ... Skaggs Island, California
Image from Bob Nelson - KA6NSN .. circa 1968

