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NSGA Todendorf, Germany .. circa 1970-1972
Photos courtesy    Eddie Roach (former CTT2) and Ken Cohen (former CTOSN)
Please scrolldown. Click-on each photo to enlarge.

Jim Romig-Eddie-Petra's mother and uncle

BT Schwier-Charlie McBryde

Al Blanz-Vickie Shinn-Maddog Mulvehill-Judy Stoddard

Eddie-Petra-Joe Robbins

Boats Newhart-Petra's cousin Lisa

Lt. Robert Lentz and wife

Ed Nix-Mary Ford-Cheryl Nix

Lt. Peter Pira-Bill Moore

Petra and Renate

Unidentified-Bill Moore

Larry Geluso-Petra-Eddie

Mac McWhirter and Petra

Mary Ford-Jan Longhi-LCD Young-
Chief Krawetzki-Mike Longhi

Eddie-Larry Geluso

Jim Romig meets future wife Heike

Maddog and Renate

Petra and BT-(background) Charlie McBryde-Bill Ford

Unidentified with Larry Geluso

Bill Moore-Mary and Bill Ford

Chuck Colyer-Jan Longhi

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