_____________U.S. dollars and Philippine pesos are used by military person-
__________nel here. American currency is the official medium of exchange
__________for U.S. personnel at all military bases in the country. Dollars
__________may not be used off base. Military personnel should use only
__________pesos to pay domestic help and to pay for services or goods de-
__________livered from outside the base. Money exchange transactions should
__________be conducted only at the bank in the Navy Exchange building and
__________at the various station clubs. These regulations help the Philip-
__________pine government control monetary transactions and the U.S. govern-
__________ment to control the "gold flow". Transactions in both money and
__________consumer goods are stringently regulated to control black market
__________activity. Black market activity, by either military personnel or
__________their dependents, is subject to severe penalties through both
__________Navy channels and Philippine civil authorities. Privileges may be
__________curtailed when there is an indication of black market activity
__________through excessive purchase of black marketable items from the
__________Navy Exchange or the Commissary.
_____________Uniform of the day for officers and chief petty officers is
__________tropical white long. Tropical white, tropical khaki and tropical
__________khaki long may be worn as a working uniform prior to 1800. Normal
__________inspection uniform is tropical white long, and the full dress
__________uniform should be brought for occasional formal affairs. Regula-
__________tion black raincoats are a must during the rainy season.
_____________The uniform of the day for other enlisted personnel is also
__________tropical white long. Tropical white may be worn prior to 1800 and
__________Division Officers may authorize dungarees as a working uniform.
__________Regulation black raincoats are authorized, and necessary during
__________the rainy season. The inspection uniform is normally tropical
__________white long. Medals are required for formal inspections.
_____________Civilian clothing may be worm on station by military personnel
__________during non-working hours, on leave and on liberty. Washable cot-
__________ton clothing is most popular for year around wear. The Exchange
__________carries a plentiful supply of sports clothing for men and women.
__________Dress material is available at reasonable prices. Many women have
__________clothes made locally by excellent and inexpensive seamstresses.
__________Light suits and sweaters are appropriate for Hong Kong, Taiwan,
__________Japan, or Baguio leave, and occasionally during the cool season.
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