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_____________Almost every family here hires readily available domestic
__________help. This sounds luxurious but help is almost a necessity in
__________the Philippines. Housegirls, for whom quarters are provided in
__________public housing, do all housework, including cleaning and laundry.
__________In addition, some cook, and most are very good with children. The
__________following rates of pay are specified: ( P3.90 to $1.00 is the
__________current exchange rate.)

__________Amah (child nurse)__________P 35__________P 55 Monthly
__________Housegirl___________________40____________80 Monthly
__________Houseboy___________________40____________60 Monthly
__________Lavandera (Laundress)________40____________60 Monthly
__________Cook_______________________50____________80 Monthly
__________Couple__________________.___80____________150 Monthly
__________Yardboy (Handyman)____.______4______________6 Daily

_____________Public housing residents are cautioned to take special care in
__________training Filipino household help in the use of appliances due to
__________their unfamiliarity with the appliances. Once trained, however,
__________they should require little or no supervision.


_____________Cats and dogs from the continental United States may be
__________brought into the Philippines with little red tape, provided they
__________are properly inoculated and registered. Cats and dogs from other
__________areas may be brought only if they possess current pedigree papers
__________or are specifically authorized by the Commanding Officer and are
__________properly registered and inoculated. Be prepared to pay certain
__________customs’ fees at the Manila International Airport or Manila South
__________Harbor, wherever your pet enters the country. Control of pets is
__________necessary because of the high disease rate among native animals.
__________No pets are allowed to roam freely aboard the station, and only
__________dogs or cats are allowed.
