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4 Great DIRSUP photos - scroll down
Narrative from Don East:

This was the old EC-121M (Super Constellation - Connie)
that was our aircraft during my Junior Officer years in VQ-2.
We traded these in for EP-3E aircraft in 1972-1973.
As history shows, we lost one of these and 31 people
to the North Koreans in April 1969. I flew approximately
1,500 hours in this shuddering aircraft!

Narrative from Don East:

An EA-3B crew from VQ-2 about to go to the "Bird Farm" -
in this case the USS Roosevelt. A short time later, we
lost this bird and Tom Walls (Navigator, 2nd from left) in a "cold cat shot" of the carrier. A CT "I-brancher", whose
name esacpes me, is on the extreme right. LT Don East is 4th
from the left and is in a squat position. The VQ-2 squadron
C.O. is CDR G. Hatch (2nd from right, standing). Dave Ballas
(Elint Op) on extreme left bailed out of another EA-3B later
over Germany and survived.

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Narrative from Don East:

This is a cartoon of a VQ-2 EP-3E (Aires) aircraft that
indicates the services of the EP-3E (and the EA-3B) were
fought over by the Squadron that owned the aircraft (VQ-2),
NSA, and the operational US Navy. Sometimes, it was
difficult to serve 3 masters when you were the OIC of a
deployed aircraft

Narrative from Don East:

Skipper Don East (left) with newly promoted Lieutenants at
VQ-2 Rota, Spain - 1983. Photo taken in front of VQ-2
EA-3B aircraft.
(L-R): Cdr Don East; Lt. Oren; Lt. Inach; Lt. Barry; Lt. Leeds;
Lt. Hilbert; Lt. Conghran; Lt. Snits; Lt. Holly